Operational Excellence and Marketing - Kenya

Operational Excellence and Marketing

How to promote your brand and get more orders

Increase your sales and attract Glovo users by running promotions and Ads with our self service tools in 5 minutes. Boosting your business growth has never been easier.
This has proven to be a great way for Partners to increase their orders: we have on average 100% growth from those who already did promotions! And with Ads, your store is featured in highly visible places like the homepage, store listing, and search results and you’ll only pay for the clicks you receive. Right now, you’ll be able to set up promos and ads directly from the Manager Portal.

How can you set up a promotion?

Access the Manager Portal and go to the tab named “Promotions”.

Select the Promotion type you are interested in creating and click on the button “Create promotion”.

You’ll be asked to provide the following information:


  • Stores for which you’d like to run the campaign

  • Dates for the promotion to apply (duration of the Promotion). If not filled, the promotion will run as long as your store is open.

  • Hours you want your promo to be displayed on the Glovo app (daily active times).

  • % discount to be offered/delivery fee (depending on the promotion selected).

  • Only for Delivery promotions: set a minimum spend that the user needs to reach in order to benefit from your promotion.

Remember that you can optionally determine a maximum budget to spend per campaign so you can easily track your investment and calculate its return. The costs of promotions will be added as part of your regular invoices and your commission will be applied only to the value of the products that the user actually paid for (the commission never applies to the delivery fee).

In the Promotions section of Manager Portal you’ll also be able to check and manage your active Promotions and check your full Promotions history, including their performance data, such as New customers, Orders and Gross revenue coming from the Promotion period. You’ll receive an email with the performance metrics by the end of your Promotion.

Visit the Manager Portal for more information regarding promotions and the self service promo tool.

Create a promotion ➜

Benefits of creating a promotional campaign

  • Double your sales.

  • Reach new clients.

  • Encite your users to order more and spend more on each order

  • Opportunity to introduce new products

  • Be more competitive than other stores.

  • Participate in our Promotional events with extra visibility in the Glovo App

  • Better conversion and organic position on the app

What promotions can you offer to your customers

  • Free delivery

  • % off discount


  • 2×1 in products

How promos will be display in the app

By making promotions, your store will have more visibility on the Glovo App and customers will find your store easily.

For more questions you can read our FAQs about promos here.

Getting Started with Ads on Glovo

Boost your sales and reach new customers in the Glovo App. With ads, your store is featured in highly visible places like the homepage, store listing, and search results. They’ll help your store stand out from the crowd, and you’ll only pay for the clicks you receive.
Create your Advertising Campaigns following this guide and make the most of:

  • Increased visibility

  • Orders Growth

  • New customers Acquisition

  • Win over the competition

How to Create an Ad

  • On the Manager Portal, click (1) Advertising then (2) Create Ad.

  • Select a campaign start date and duration.

    • Choose to keep it going or select an end date.
    • We recommend not setting an end date to maximize your return.
    • Remember, you don’t pay unless a user clicks.
  • Assign a daily limit.

    • Your daily limit is, on average, the amount you’re comfortable spending on ad clicks each day.
    • Your budget will only be used if the ad has positive results as we target a 3x Return on Ad Spend (ROAS or revenue you generated from what you spend on ads).
  • Set your budget.
    The total budget you’re comfortable spending for ad clicks during the campaign. We recommend at least 10% of your monthly earnings on Glovo

  • Review your summary and select create ad.

Tracking Campaign Performance

You can track campaign performance from the Manager Portal.
Click Advertising, and scroll down (and to the right). You’ll see a list of campaigns with ad-attributed impressions, clicks, orders, and gross revenue. As well as your campaign dates, total budget, daily limit, and status.

Ending or Editing a Campaign

You can end your ad early from the Advertising page by selecting the three vertical dot menu and clicking “Stop ad”. We currently do not have the ability to “Edit” the campaign, to change the campaign you can “End” the campaign and create a new one with different settings.

Tips for Success

  • Run an ad in combination with a Promotion to help maximize conversions. Ads help you reach more customers, and Promotions give them an extra nudge to order from you.

  • Run your campaign for at least one month. Remember, you only pay for the ad when someone clicks on it.

  • Ensure your store photos are high quality and up-to-date.

What is the Glovo Ranking

Stores can improve the positioning in the app based on their performance. Glovo algorithm aims to give a fair chance to everyone, even if you are just joining the platforms and do not have any orders yet.

The fourth factors of the Glovo Ranking

  • Conversion rate:

    Partners who run promotions, keep the menu updated and fix the right price will get more sales and therefore they will be ranked higher in the wall.

  • Partner Performance:

    Partners who perform better in terms of ratings, waiting time and cancellation rates, will have a better position on the App.

  • Newness and Fairness:

    New partners and exclusive partners will be ranked higher in the wall. Also we will make sure all partners have a fair chance at being successful with Glovo.

  • Distance Factor:

    Partners who are closer to the delivery address of the user will be ranked higher in the wall.


    Read more about Glovo Ranking on this post

Optimize your menu

Providing names, descriptions and photos is key to reach more customers and have more visibility in the search results in the Glovo app. Partners that have added pictures have seen their orders increase by 30%.

Customers choose stores based on their dishes’ descriptions as it has key information for them such as:

  • Ingredients.

  • Size of products.

  • Allergens.

Updating your menu will help you perform better on the App. To learn more about how stores are ranked in the Glovo app, follow this link.

How to create descriptions

  • Products with descriptions tend to be ordered 8 times more and give your products a higher chance of appearing in the search results of the Glovo app.

  • Descriptions should be attractive but to the point (no more than 250 characters) and be present in the majority of products.

  • Ideally, contain no more than 20 words aimed at attracting attention about the product’s taste, texture, preparation method or origin. For example: “hot wings, roast chicken, Mexican tacos”.

Answer these three questions to give your dishes the best possible presentation

  • What are the main ingredients?

    Highlight the main ingredients, making sure you mention everything that’s included in the dish. Remember that “multigrain bread and honey mustard sauce” is more descriptive and appealing than simply “bread and sauce”.

  • How big is your dish, and how many units does it include?

    It’s important that you state the quantities involved to help users make the best choice. Use abbreviations for quantities, weights or sizes. For example: “spring rolls (3 units), lemonade (330 ml), hamburger (200 g)”.

  • Do you offer lactose-free/vegetarian/vegan/low-carb options?

    We suggest you specify whether products are gluten-free, vegan or lactose-free. This will make customers happier and more likely to choose your product. Example: vegan tofu poke bowl, or lactose-free banana and strawberry smoothie.

To edit your menu, enter the Menu Manager at managers.glovoapp.com

Note: If the Menu Manager is not available yet for your store, please send us a message by clicking on the “Help and resources” button in the Profile section of the Orders app. Please remember to request these menu changes at least 7 days in advance.

Ten food photography tips and tricks for food delivery

Photos make dishes/products much more visually appealing to customers. Our analysis shows that products with images tend to be purchased 3 times more often than those without images.

Check our guidelines below on how to present your photos to maximize effectiveness:

  • The product should take up around 60% to 70% of the photograph.

  • Make sure the dish is in focus and you provide a good quality photograph: Orientation: square – Dimensions: 1000 x 1000 pixels – Format: JPG – Size: under 1 MB.

  • The photo should be a frontal shot of the product.

  • The photo should show the right size and proportions of the ingredients.

  • Don’t include any items or ingredients that aren’t part of the dish you’ll be serving.

  • In the case of combos, show all the items making up the combo separately and next to each other. Everything that’s included and nothing else!

  • Take a photo that’s as realistic and representative as possible.

  • Your dish is the star! Make sure that customers’ attention isn’t captured by the background rather than the dish.

  • The best backgrounds are those with plain light colors.

  • Any other visible items, such as kitchens, other objects, people or hands on the plate, will distract customers’ attention away from the food.

How to upload photos from your mobile device

  • Log in to Menu Manager and complete the fields with your Glovo Partner credentials.

  • In Menu Manager, scroll through your menu.

  • Select the product to which you want to add pictures.

  • A panel will be opened in which you will be able to edit your product.

  • Upload a picture from your photo reel or take a picture of your dish in the moment by clicking on “Upload Image” in Menu Manager.

  • Once you upload the pictures, click on “Save changes”.

  • See the new uploaded pictures in the menu of your restaurant in a matter of seconds!

Read this guide to take high quality pictures from your mobile.

Note: If the Menu Manager is not available yet for your store, please send us a message by clicking on the “Help and resources” button in the Profile section of the Orders app to request your menu change.

The importance of top sellers

Having top selling products with descriptions and pictures included is key to increasing your number of orders with Glovo. Top sellers are the first thing the user sees of your restaurant and having pictures and descriptions for them can boost your performance.

With the new Menu Manager, you can now improve your menu at any time by creating, editing or rearranging products. It’s quick and easy! Log in with your credentials, and click on each of your top seller products listed on your menu to add or edit descriptions and upload a picture for them.