Can I change my store’s menu and pictures on Glovo?
If you’d like to change your store’s menu and pictures on the Glovo app, access the Menu Manager and log in with your Glovo partner credentials
- If you want to add a new product to your menu click on the “”+”” button on the top of the page. You will be able to upload your photos and create new dish.
- To edit an existing product, navigate your restaurante menu. Add or replace the product picture by clicking on a product and replacing its picture with a new one.
Find more about the Menu Manager in our tutorials section (link)
Note: If the Menu Manager is not available yet for your store, please send us a message by clicking on the “”Help and resources”” button in the Profile section of the Orders app to request your menu change. Please remember to send your request at least 7 days in advance, as this is the maximum time our team will need to perform the changes.