If, under exceptional circumstances, you realize you have run out of a product a customer has just ordered:
Call the user to offer an alternative. You can find the user’s telephone number in the order details on the Orders app.
*If the user agrees to have the product replaced, follow the steps below to change the order in the system. This way, the user will get the right receipt with the final product list and their prices:
– Select the order you want to modify, find the product to replace and click “Edit”.
– Click on “Replace”, then select the alternative product and click “Save”.
If the user isn’t interested in the alternative, please send us a message by clicking the “”Help and resources”” button in the Profile section of the Orders app and ask for the order to be cancelled.
Remember to also disable the unavailable product on the Orders app as soon as possible so that more users don’t end up ordering something that’s not available.