How can I add an additional store to Glovo?
If you’d like to add an additional Store to Glovo and your Orders app, please send us a message by clicking on the “Help and resources” button in the Profile section of the Orders app.
If you’d like to add an additional Store to Glovo and your Orders app, please send us a message by clicking on the “Help and resources” button in the Profile section of the Orders app.
The delivery fee is calculated dynamically for each user and store.
The main factors that impact the delivery fee are:
By focusing on the following parameters, you can improve your positioning on the app:
Read more about Glovo Ranking on this post (link to news)
To calculate your store rating, we take into account the customer ratings from thelast 100 orders over the last 60 days. The rating is calculated once a day at 5am (it includes all of the orders rated by customers up until that time.
“For problems or incidents related to ongoing orders, call us on the Partner Support number that you’ll find by clicking on “Help and resources” in the Profile section of the Partner WebApp:
*If you’re a Marketplace Partner, call
For any other questions, please send us a message by clicking on the “”Help and resources”” button in the Profile section of the Partner WebApp, and we’ll get in touch with you as soon as possible.”